lauantai 19. helmikuuta 2011

Reverse Engineering

Our work


And that's what we did this week!
Me iz happy with it.

First I was afraid we chose too easy one but I don't know. Within the given time I think it's just stupid to do something that makes people stress out. And besides, there are so many things you need to remember which might fuck up the whole schedule.  But then again I hate to just sit around and not do anything. Oh well, anyway, our group was nice and everything went quite smoothly. At least my point of view. Once again I did nothing but I'm too lazy and shy to scream over others. Sometimes feels like the shooting places are like war fields. Blah.

And we are a bad class. Bad, bad, bad! That's okay 'cause we are going to talk about it next Monday. Have to because this doesn't work like this. Not at all.

For now, I'm waiting for warmer weather and spring in total to start doing things - finally!
People get more energy when the Sun comes out. AWESOME!

We'll see what happens. There's about thousand ideas... ;)

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