maanantai 31. tammikuuta 2011

It's sexuality which makes us sick

First of all I shall tell you how the rest of the radio week went. And it went OK. (Blablablaa and that's about it.) Well, I went to school on Thursday and hosted Happy Hour. It was fine. Didn't go as well as the first one but didn't go that bad either. On Friday I was a news reporter and I can tell you, it wasn't my thing and I fucked it up.

Now it's all over and this week I don't have school at all. I need to do the copyright-course and that's all. On Friday I will be off to Helsinki! I'm going to see Hardcore Superstar with my friend Saara (who I met last year as a volunteer in Kivenlahtirock). And if I survive from that, I'll be going to see some burlesque with my friend Hanna on Saturday. It's gonna be a wicked weekend!

What a sick weekend I had...

I spent the weekend watching weird movies. Sick, twisted, weird. In total, the basic of most of them was having sex with dead people, children or your relatives. That's about it. Of course there was also a lot of blood, cutting, torturing and stuff like that. During all the movies only two had some kind of affect on me. Okay, actually more because some of them made me laugh. A lot. 

If you ask me, this one was just stupid. And quite boring. BUT Dieter Laser - the main actor - was A W E S O M E! Perfect for the part! Besides it was quite fun that the girls talked English, they were in Germany and there was one guy who didn't understand anything because he talked Japanese. 

The surgeon was a great character and you can't go wrong with a guy looking like that, speaking German time to time. Then again it was probably the only good thing about this movie. The story was little bit stupid, it tried to just shock with the whole centipede thing which actually didn't work. It wasn't built up the way that it should've been so that it would have the actual shock affect. The victims was too lame, that's probably why it didn't work. The woman actors were not good. Too shallow. So why should I care or feel for them... Yep. The ending was a plus. I mean like the last 30 secs (or less) of the movie. 

Oh God. Why did I even bother... This one actually made me laugh at one point. I'm trying hard to remember anything else from it. Errrm? There were possibilities in the story but... I don't know. Hard to say anything. Nice music time to time. Eh... There were some nice twists which I liked but then again the story seemed a little bit... like... fallen apart maybe? And that's probably why the sick twists weren't that shocking.  Once again the victims were quite shallow so I didn't care much what happens to them. The evil guy was OK.  Ending was just shit. Honestly. Why do they have to make endings which are not believable, not even in that world were the story happens!? WHY!? 

Oh my, oh my, I just loved this one! It was weird, it was sick and at first I thought it had no idea but god damn it did. A lot! It was cruel, it was fun, it was well made and the actors were awesome. It didn't tell us anything new, honestly, but the way it was told was so out there that at least I can't say that I have ever seen same things told like that. Me likey!  

Men Behind The Sun

I don't know why I even watched this one. I knew I would just fall a sleep, as I almost did. If I had to say something about it, then I think I'm just gonna say that the English dub was well done. I thought it wouldn't work but it did. 

I've seen this before. I did like it then and I still did. I love the colors! But the English didn't work... It would've worked better in Japanese (or Korean or whatever). The story was nice also and this was one of those that made me even grin a little. Because of needles. But just a little bit. Even though I said the story was nice, I thought there were few pointless scenes which made it too long and boring. This one was the only one I thought I might even have nightmares from (but that's mostly 'cause I honestly don't like people having extra things growing from somewhere. Eyes are the worst. Hrrr....)

Everyone said it would be sick and twisted and perverted etc etc which it was but no one told me it would be so well made. I honestly liked this one, quite a bit! The actors were great, the story was believable, the music was nice, the characters were sick and twisted and just awesome! The movie even had a message which unfortunately was a little bit lost under all the violence etc. It had few scenes that made laugh and the thin line between too much and appropriately was broken. If it had just a little bit less all that sick stuff, it would've been not just a sick movie but a movie with a message. Shame.

Must say that I loved the story and the twists. Because it had the kind of ending I just LOVE

This was the only one I almost stopped. I didn't get the story and I'm not even sure if there were any actors or just sick bastards doing 'a film' which contained all of their sick perverssions. Well, obviously the actors were great even though I still feel this one was just a home video made by drug addicts/sick people. 

It was filmed like a home video and that was the reason why I was quite eager to stop it. It's ok to watch sick stuff which you can indentify as a film but this one just made me fucked up. At least in the beginning, after that it was just quite boring and stupid 'cause it didn't have any kind of story or anything. This one actually almost made me vomit but that's just because I can't handle people puking all over. Yeeeeeeh....

But there was one thing I liked in a sick kind of way.


There was this scene where this guy kills a woman. He slits her stomach open and take her guts out. And then he rapes her through that hole. Or how ever you wanna put it in English. Anyway, in the next scene the guy is in the bathroom crying. "Am I beautiful? Am I beautiful?" and the girlfriend comes to comfort him. "You are beautiful."

I could just hear a voice in my head go "NOOOO! YOU SICK FUCKS! YOU CAN'T DO THIS! He just killed a woman and raped her guts and now you wanna make me feel sorry for him!? NOOOOO!!!!" 

Sick but interesting. Must say! 

Conclusion... ?

My conclusion after all these movies is that first of all it's sexuality which makes us sick.
Second, I think I've finally found a rather stable state of mind 'cause I wasn't triggered at all by none of the films even though it had cutting and blood and all kind of stuff. I can still remember the days when I couldn't even watch some kind of basic music videos without being triggered.

For the next week I think I'm going to watch just Moomins.

(c) Mitja

tiistai 25. tammikuuta 2011



My mental state just doesn't handle too well this kind of shit.

So, my head is obviously gonna explode before the month is over.

sunnuntai 23. tammikuuta 2011

Hear me, hear me!

In total the first week of radio was really nice and I got positive feedback even though I think I could've spent a little bit more time with my reports. BUT (there is always a but!) I was sick so I wasn't jumping for joy when I should've run around and make a poll. Once again, at least I did everything I was asked.

And even Monday went better than I thought it would. I was surprised how capable I actually am. Weird!

If I were to give myself some feedback, the positives and negatives would look like this:

+ I think I have good ideas
+ My busdriver report was awesome! Especially 'cause I made it in so little time and still it was great! (me and editing is... just... one... big... horror movie...)
+ I had listeners! Way to go girl!
+ I was quite well prepared for the show

- ...but you could always be prepared a little bit more ( I didn't have an idea when to speak about what and in the studio I was too nervous to think)
- Should use more time for the reports...
- I should challenge myself more

Ok, that's all I can think of now. I am sick. And I was supposed to host the Happy Hour-show TOMORROW but my voice is totally lost. Totally lost! I also have a little fever (37 says the thermometer and  I usually have something like 35-35.5).

For next week I should also do 3 different reports. I need to do Anni's food thing (but luckily it doesn't matter if I don't have my voice then), then one for ÄRSYTTÄÄ-show and one for Sohvaperunat. But I actually did the last one already. I wanted to interview my friend and I had to do that before she left today. Let's hope my voice comes back so I will just record the questions afterwards. I think the answers were usable but you never know...

What else? Nothing special. I did the IB English exams. They were rather easy but then again I didn't concentrate so maybe they will not even be qualified. Ha ha ha. I wrote something about a robot which was broke and drank beer. And something about a man who had another face on the back of his head and that was his brother. Actually I just realised that it had nothing to do with the subject I was trying to write about.... Oh well, it does if you are artistic enough!

My friends from Vantaa were here this weekend and we had a lot of fun! Ofcourse... Did a lot of stupid things etc but hey, LIFE IS! And it is quite awesome even though I'm sick and gonna be so useless next week and... yeah. Well, there's always some outcomes from stuff you do. It might come many years later but still. There is! Believe me!

The basic Friday evening @ Outokumpu

sunnuntai 16. tammikuuta 2011

Being too negative!

I suppose I should look at my last post and then open it up a little bit.
Because I am a student and I am supposed to learnt something so if I'm just saying something is not working, it doesn't give you the feeling that I have learn anything. Right?

First about the jingle. I thought I put it to the memory stick but I guess I didn't? Need to do that tomorrow... I'm happy I made it even though it's stupid. And not in a good way. It just doesn't work. But the positive thing is that I made it. I said I would make it and I did. I didn't remember how to use pro tools but after all the anxiety I actually membered something... So. It's not all bad, is it?

The report... Well, I knew how to use the equipment. My questions were at first starting with the sentence "Do you..." so the person I was interviewing could answer just "yes" or "no" but that I realised before the interview and change the forms. I did learn something, you see! But still the interview is sounding like an interrogation. And it's boring as hell! Once again I could say "Hey I said I would make it and I did", I guess it does count a bit, doesn't it...? (Say "yes", pleeeeease!)
I'm thinking about doing it again but then again I don't think I can make it interesting 'cause I just don't have any touch for the subject. (Excuses, excuses, I'm just a shitty reporter, that's all) And as a plus I think my English is quite understandable but as a minus I need to practice so I don't use words which I use too much even when I'm writing my blog. (Words like 'so' and 'stuff').

Today I'm gonna surf on the internet and find all the stuff I wanna talk about tomorrow. I thought that it would be best on Monday to look back little bit and talk about the stuff that has happened during the weekend. We'll see how it goes.

I need to do food for the "Food for four for four euros"-thing today! But I'm still missing one person. Nobody wants to try my cookings... Not surprised though.

I think I just need to chill and not stress 'cause after all I am 'just' a first year student so you can't expect me to know anything... Right?

lauantai 15. tammikuuta 2011

We'll see how it goes...

Going to host a radio show on Monday. 'Only' an hour so no panic. Yeah right...

Oh well, I love suicides.

Made a jingle for it and it's shit. Made a report for one show and that report is shit.
So if the show is going to be shit, as I believe it will, I have done a lot shitty things!
Actually, everything I've done would then be shit. How cool is that....!!!

This ship is going down, down, down....

keskiviikko 12. tammikuuta 2011



I'm so tired. I'm so tired. I'm so tired. I'm so tired.
I'm so tired. I'm so tired. I'm so tired. I'm so tired.
No coffee in the morning
I'm so tired. I'm so tired. I'm so tired. I'm so tired. 
I'm so tired. I'm so tired. I'm so tired. I'm so tired. 
I'm so tired. I'm so tired. I'm so tired. I'm so tired. 
I'm so tired. I'm so tired. I'm so tired. I'm so tired. 
I'm so tired. I'm so tired. I'm so tired. I'm so tired.   
I'm so tired. I'm so tired. I'm so tired. I'm so tired. 
I'm so tired. I'm so tired. I'm so tired. I'm so tired.

Pills pills pills pills more pills and a little bit more.
Keeps you going, not for long!
The most awesome feeling when you understand nothing what happens around you. The most awesome feeling to be so tired that you're just gonna pass out. Especially when you're the kind of a person who never feels like that (when healthy).

Trying to keep thoughts together, push it through. Trying and trying but never quite getting there.

I'm so tired of being me.  Such a boring and lonely road.
Always welcome but hardly ever invited.

Bleh, I'm just pissed off 'cause I need to eat stupid medication which I'm not allowed to eat so the side affects are most awesome and everything goes just not-so-well because of all the sleepiness. Yippee! 

So don't call me, I'm not on this planet.

torstai 6. tammikuuta 2011

Tervehdi tervettä touhua

Koulussa tällä hetkellä menossa on - huomenna Loppiainen, mutta perjantaina jatkuu taas yhtä raikuvasti kuin muutenkin tällä viikolla - editointia. Eli Ammattistartin esittelyvideon editointia. Jälleen kerran olen suhteellisen pihalla, mutta eipä se nyt ole niin tarkkaa. Rasittaa (ja rasitti jo ennen koko homman aloittamista) ristiriita siitä ihanasta informatiivisesta-mutta-silti-ah-niin-ihanan-iskevästä-nuorille-suunnatusta-esittelyvideosta. Voihan tilaustyö! Ei voi muuta kommentoida.

Omalta osaltani - eli äänimiehen - osalta sanottakoon, että ihanpa kivasti on haastattelut tallentuneet. Yhdessä haastattelussa olisi kyllä voinut käyttää nappimikkiä. Nyt joka kerta, kun kyseisen henkilön haastattelu pärähtää ruutuun, kiristelen hampaitani ihanan tuuletushuminan takia. Mweh. Oppia ikä kaikki. 

On muuten hiukan haastavaa valita sopivaa musiikkia tuohon esittelyvideoon, kun vaihtoehtona on korni tai kornimpi vaikutelma. Mutta siinäkin tänään päädyttiin yhdenlaiseen päätökseen. 

Tulipa myös nuo kertojan repliikit tänään äänitettyä ja Fostex se se vasta on jännä vehje. Joka kerta, kun sen saa nokkansa eteen niin unohtaa aivan varmasti jonkun jutun... Tai niin ainakin allekirjoittanut, mutta onneksi ryhmätöiden vahvuuksiin lukeutuvat auttaminen ja kollektiivinen vitutus.

Muistin myös ilmottautua IB English-kurssin tentteihin tänään! JEE! Whii! Tuuletusta! Jonka lisäksi olen tullut lopputulokseen, että olen hankala ihminen. Ainiin ja on meikäläisellä myös "huono oppilas"-kriisi, kun tuntuu, etten tee mitään enkä osaa mitään saatika opi. Vaikka ei kai asia nyt ihan 100% niinkään ole... Mutta tuossa oikealla on kuva kultaharkosta. Toisin sanottuna kääreestä, joka sisältää 100% suklaata! Mukavan näköinen paketti. Ehkäpä tuo sisältö auttaa pääsemään yli kriisistä... Nähtäväksi jää.

Suunnitelmissa on tässä kevään mittaan kyhätä pientä kuunnelman poikasta Etnohirvien kuuliaisen nimen kasvattamiseksi. Jos et ole vielä tutustunut ensimmäiseen kyseenalaiseen kuunnelmapätkään, voit sivistää itseäsi painamalla tästä.

Jonka lisäksi olisi ollut minulla paljon kivempia suunnitelmia mihin käyttää tämän jakson viimeinen viikko kuin johonkin tekijänoikeus-kurssin suorittamiseen. Mömmömömömmöö. Sen näkee sitten mikä roikkuu ja missä ja miten ja silleesti.

Loppuun linkitän kuvan, jota olen kuolannut ja työpöytäni taustakuvaksikin varastanut. Oh!

maanantai 3. tammikuuta 2011

Looking back to find the treasures

Wiggly waggly
Wobble, wobble, wiggly waggly tail!
Up and down it went,
Little too much it bent.
Poor beaver and it's wiggly waggly tail,
Now far away the beaver wants to sail.
It's a shame, oh, such a shame!
Maybe the mother is the one to blame?
Given birth to a beaver with a wiggly waggly tail,
fed him every morning with a snail.
A SNAIL? Yes, indeed!
A snail is a funny thing to eat.
Shall I stop or tell you more?
But the end is a little too hardcore!
The beaver made a boat with a sail
And - oh yes! - the sail
was made out of his mother's tail.
It wiggled and waggled in the air
And if you ask me - it was quite fair.

lauantai 1. tammikuuta 2011

Opiskelijabudjetti hotness

Mie pohdiskelin tässä miksi ei levyhyllystä löydy yhtään levyä yhtyeeltä Jack Off Jill, joka kuitenkin tuppaa olemaan yksi lempibändeistä. Eipä siis muuta kuin virhe korjaamaan (muutaman muun levyn siinä sivussa tilaten ja ehkä mahdollisesti jopa yhden dvd:nkin erehdyin ostoskassiin lätkäsemään)!

Olisinpa tilannut kyseisen bändin keulahahmon Jessickan uudemman bändin eli Scarlingin levyn, jos semmoista olisi ollut tuolla tarjolla. Vaan eipä ollut niin jätetään toiseen metsästyskertaan (cdon.comissa näemmä Scarlingia olisi, sieltä siis joskus innostuessani). Toisaalta siinä tilatessa muistinkin, että olinkin odotellut jo jonkun aikaa lahjaksi JOJ:n levyä, koska on kuitenkin hintaluokassaan siellä alkuperäishinnoissaan eli lähempänä paria kymppiä. Itseasiassa hiukan ylikin. Yleensä kuitenkin metsästän aina alesta haluamani levyt, koska en niitä uutena himoitse niin paljon opiskelija'tuloilla'. Ellei kyseessä sitten ole joku kumminkaimankoirankasvattajan pojan serkun bändi, jota haluan jostain järjettömästä mielenviasta johtuen tukea. Nojaa. On se ihme jopa kahdesti tapahtunut elämäni aikana.

"Give me something pretty I hope I'll never be.
I'd rather be creepy and very strange." 
[Jack Off Jill - American Made] 


Those of you who have no clue, I'll give you half of it in a poem

Pieni Pulverityttö

Pieni pulverityttö 
napsii sieniä Muumimamman käsilaukusta. 
Iloisesti tanssahtelee, nauraa, 
kunnes Saippuakupla puhkeaa.

Pieni pulverityttö 
itkee pienen tytön suuria kyyneliä. 
Kastelee itsensä läpimäräksi 
ja muuttuu tahmeaksi.
Pieni pulverityttö, 
Eteenpäin eivät jalat kanna. 
Liimaantunut puiseen lattiaan 
ikuiseksi häkkilinnuksi.

Pieni pulverityttö 
Liikkumaton maailman portto. 
Kuivuneena tuulen mukana 
muuttaa pilvenreunalle.
(c) meh